Source code for desktop_notifier.winrt

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Notification backend for Windows. Unlike other platforms, sending rich "toast"
notifications cannot be done via FFI / ctypes because the C winapi only supports basic
notifications with a title and message. This backend therefore requires interaction with
the Windows Runtime and uses the winrt package with compiled components published by
Microsoft (,

from __future__ import annotations

# system imports
import sys
import uuid
import logging
from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element, SubElement, tostring
from typing import TypeVar

# external imports
import winreg
from import unbox
from import (
from import XmlDocument
from import CoreApplication
from winrt.system import Object as WinRTObject

# local imports
from .base import Notification, DesktopNotifierBase, Urgency

__all__ = ["WinRTDesktopNotifier"]

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

T = TypeVar("T")

def register_hkey(app_id: str, app_name: str) -> None:
    # mypy type guard
    if not sys.platform == "win32":

    winreg.ConnectRegistry(None, winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER)
    key_path = f"SOFTWARE\\Classes\\AppUserModelId\\{app_id}"
    with winreg.CreateKeyEx(winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, key_path) as master_key:
        winreg.SetValueEx(master_key, "DisplayName", 0, winreg.REG_SZ, app_name)

[docs] class WinRTDesktopNotifier(DesktopNotifierBase): """Notification backend for the Windows Runtime :param app_name: The name of the app. This has no effect since the app name will be automatically determined. :param notification_limit: Maximum number of notifications to keep in the system's notification center. """
[docs] _to_native_urgency = { Urgency.Low: ToastNotificationPriority.DEFAULT, Urgency.Normal: ToastNotificationPriority.DEFAULT, Urgency.Critical: ToastNotificationPriority.HIGH, }
[docs] DEFAULT_ACTION = "default"
[docs] REPLY_ACTION = "action=reply&amp"
[docs] BUTTON_ACTION_PREFIX = "action=button&id="
[docs] REPLY_TEXTBOX_NAME = "textBox"
def __init__( self, app_name: str = "Python", notification_limit: int | None = None, ) -> None: super().__init__(app_name, notification_limit) manager = ToastNotificationManager.get_default() if not manager: raise RuntimeError("Could not get ToastNotificationManagerForUser") self.manager = manager # Prefer using the real App ID if detected, fall back to user-provided name # and icon otherwise. if != "": self.app_id = else: self.app_id = app_name register_hkey(app_id=app_name, app_name=app_name) notifier = self.manager.create_toast_notifier(self.app_id) if not notifier: raise RuntimeError(f"Could not get ToastNotifier for app_id: {self.app_id}") self.notifier = notifier
[docs] async def request_authorisation(self) -> bool: """ Request authorisation to send notifications. :returns: Whether authorisation has been granted. """ return await self.has_authorisation()
[docs] async def has_authorisation(self) -> bool: """ Whether we have authorisation to send notifications. """ try: return bool(self.notifier.setting == NotificationSetting.ENABLED) except OSError: # See return True
[docs] async def _send( self, notification: Notification, notification_to_replace: Notification | None, ) -> None: """ Asynchronously sends a notification. :param notification: Notification to send. :param notification_to_replace: Notification to replace, if any. """ if notification_to_replace: platform_nid = notification_to_replace.identifier else: platform_nid = str(uuid.uuid4()) # Create notification XML. toast_xml = Element("toast", {"launch": WinRTDesktopNotifier.DEFAULT_ACTION}) visual_xml = SubElement(toast_xml, "visual") actions_xml = SubElement(toast_xml, "actions") if notification.thread: SubElement( toast_xml, "header", { "id": notification.thread, "title": notification.thread, "arguments": WinRTDesktopNotifier.DEFAULT_ACTION, "activationType": "background", }, ) binding = SubElement(visual_xml, "binding", {"template": "ToastGeneric"}) title_xml = SubElement(binding, "text") title_xml.text = notification.title message_xml = SubElement(binding, "text") message_xml.text = notification.message if notification.icon: SubElement( binding, "image", {"placement": "appLogoOverride", "src": notification.icon}, ) if notification.attachment: SubElement( binding, "image", {"placement": "hero", "src": notification.attachment} ) if notification.reply_field: SubElement( actions_xml, "input", {"id": WinRTDesktopNotifier.REPLY_TEXTBOX_NAME, "type": "text"}, ) reply_button_xml = SubElement( actions_xml, "action", { "content": notification.reply_field.button_title, "activationType": "background", "arguments": "action=reply&amp", }, ) # If there are no other buttons, show the # reply buttons next to the text field. if not notification.buttons: reply_button_xml.set( "hint-inputId", WinRTDesktopNotifier.REPLY_TEXTBOX_NAME ) for n, button in enumerate(notification.buttons): SubElement( actions_xml, "action", { "content": button.title, "activationType": "background", "arguments": WinRTDesktopNotifier.BUTTON_ACTION_PREFIX + str(n), }, ) if notification.sound: SubElement( toast_xml, "audio", {"src": "ms-winsoundevent:Notification.Default"} ) else: SubElement(toast_xml, "audio", {"silent": "true"}) xml_document = XmlDocument() xml_document.load_xml(tostring(toast_xml, encoding="unicode")) native = ToastNotification(xml_document) native.tag = platform_nid native.priority = self._to_native_urgency[notification.urgency] def on_activated( sender: ToastNotification | None, boxed_activated_args: WinRTObject | None ) -> None: if not sender or not boxed_activated_args: return try: activated_args = ToastActivatedEventArgs._from(boxed_activated_args) except Exception: return action_id = activated_args.arguments if action_id == WinRTDesktopNotifier.DEFAULT_ACTION: if notification.on_clicked: notification.on_clicked() elif action_id == WinRTDesktopNotifier.REPLY_ACTION: if ( notification.reply_field and notification.reply_field.on_replied and activated_args.user_input ): boxed_text = activated_args.user_input[ WinRTDesktopNotifier.REPLY_TEXTBOX_NAME ] text = unbox(boxed_text) notification.reply_field.on_replied(text) elif action_id.startswith(WinRTDesktopNotifier.BUTTON_ACTION_PREFIX): action_number_str = action_id.replace( WinRTDesktopNotifier.BUTTON_ACTION_PREFIX, "" ) action_number = int(action_number_str) callback = notification.buttons[action_number].on_pressed if callback: callback() def on_dismissed( sender: ToastNotification | None, dismissed_args: ToastDismissedEventArgs | None, ) -> None: self._clear_notification_from_cache(notification) if ( dismissed_args and dismissed_args.reason == ToastDismissalReason.USER_CANCELED ): if notification.on_dismissed: notification.on_dismissed() def on_failed( sender: ToastNotification | None, failed_args: ToastFailedEventArgs | None ) -> None: if failed_args: logger.warning( f"Notification failed (error code {failed_args.error_code.value})" ) else: logger.warning("Notification failed (unknown error code)") native.add_activated(on_activated) native.add_dismissed(on_dismissed) native.add_failed(on_failed) notification.identifier = platform_nid
[docs] async def _clear(self, notification: Notification) -> None: """ Asynchronously removes a notification from the notification center. """ if self.manager.history: self.manager.history.remove(notification.identifier)
[docs] async def _clear_all(self) -> None: """ Asynchronously clears all notifications from notification center. """ if self.manager.history: self.manager.history.clear(self.app_id)