desktop-notifier documentation

This documentation provides a short introduction to desktop-notifier and an API reference for the main module and platform implementations.

Getting started

Basic usage only requires the user to specify a notification title and message:

from desktop_notifier import DesktopNotifier

notifier = DesktopNotifier()
n = notifier.send_sync(title="Hello world!", message="Notification body")

By default, “Python” will be used as the app name for all notifications, but you can also manually specify an app name and icon. Advanced usage also allows setting different notification options, such as notification urgency, buttons, callbacks, etc:

from desktop_notifier import DesktopNotifier, Urgency, Button, ReplyField

notifier = DesktopNotifier(
    app_name="Sample App",

async def main():
    await notify.send(
      title="Julius Caesar",
      message="Et tu, Brute?",
          title="Mark as read",
          on_pressed=lambda: print("Marked as read")),
        on_replied=lambda text: print("Brutus replied:", text),
      on_clicked=lambda: print("Notification clicked"),
      on_dismissed=lambda: print("Notification dismissed"),

Note that some platforms may not support all options. Any options or configuration which are not supported by the platform will be silently ignored. Please refer to Platform support for more information.

In addition to sending notifications, desktop_notifier.main.DesktopNotifier also provides methods to clear notifications from the platform’s notification center and to request and verify user permissions to send notifications where this is required by the platform. Please refer to the API docs for the evolving functionality.

Notes on macOS

On macOS 10.14 and higher, the implementation uses the UNUserNotificationCenter instead of the deprecated NSUserNotificationCenter. UNUserNotificationCenter restricts sending desktop notifications to signed executables. This means that notifications will only work if the Python executable or bundled app has been signed. Note that the installer from provides a properly signed Python framework but homebrew does not (manually signing the executable installed by homebrew _should_ work as well).

If you freeze your code with PyInstaller or a similar package, you must sign the resulting app bundle for notifications to work. An ad-hoc signature will be sufficient but signing with an Apple developer certificate is recommended for distribution.