Source code for desktop_notifier.macos_legacy

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
NSUserNotificationCenter backend for macOS.

* Should be used for macOS 10.13 and earlier.
* Deprecated but still available in macOS 11.0.
* Requires a running CFRunLoop to invoke callbacks.


# system imports
import uuid
import platform
import logging
from typing import cast, Optional

# external imports
from rubicon.objc import NSObject, ObjCClass, objc_method, py_from_ns
from rubicon.objc.runtime import load_library

# local imports
from .base import Notification, DesktopNotifierBase

__all__ = ["CocoaNotificationCenterLegacy"]

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
macos_version, *_ = platform.mac_ver()

foundation = load_library("Foundation")

NSUserNotification = ObjCClass("NSUserNotification")
NSUserNotificationCenter = ObjCClass("NSUserNotificationCenter")
NSDate = ObjCClass("NSDate")

NSUserNotificationActivationTypeContentsClicked = 1
NSUserNotificationActivationTypeActionButtonClicked = 2
NSUserNotificationActivationTypeAdditionalActionClicked = 4

NSUserNotificationDefaultSoundName = "DefaultSoundName"

class NotificationCenterDelegate(NSObject):  # type: ignore
    """Delegate to handle user interactions with notifications"""

    @objc_method  # type:ignore
    def userNotificationCenter_didActivateNotification_(
        self, center, notification
    ) -> None:
        platform_nid = py_from_ns(notification.identifier)
        py_notification = self.interface._notification_for_nid[platform_nid]
        py_notification = cast(Notification, py_notification)


        if (
            == NSUserNotificationActivationTypeContentsClicked
            if py_notification.on_clicked:

        elif (
            == NSUserNotificationActivationTypeActionButtonClicked
            callback = py_notification.buttons[0].on_pressed

            if callback:

[docs] class CocoaNotificationCenterLegacy(DesktopNotifierBase): """NSUserNotificationCenter backend for macOS Should be used for macOS High Sierra and earlier. Supports only a single button per notification. Both app name and bundle identifier will be ignored. The notification center automatically uses the values provided by the app bundle or the Python framework. :param app_name: The name of the app. Does not have any effect because the app name is automatically determined from the bundle or framework. :param notification_limit: Maximum number of notifications to keep in the system's notification center. """ def __init__( self, app_name: str = "Python", notification_limit: Optional[int] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__(app_name, notification_limit) = NSUserNotificationCenter.defaultUserNotificationCenter self.nc_delegate = NotificationCenterDelegate.alloc().init() self.nc_delegate.interface = self = self.nc_delegate
[docs] async def request_authorisation(self) -> bool: """ Request authorisation to send notifications. :returns: Whether authorisation has been granted. """ return True
[docs] async def has_authorisation(self) -> bool: """ Whether we have authorisation to send notifications. """ return True
[docs] async def _send( self, notification: Notification, notification_to_replace: Optional[Notification], ) -> str: """ Uses NSUserNotificationCenter to schedule a notification. :param notification: Notification to send. :param notification_to_replace: Notification to replace, if any. """ if notification_to_replace: platform_nid = str(notification_to_replace.identifier) else: platform_nid = str(uuid.uuid4()) n = NSUserNotification.alloc().init() n.title = notification.title n.informativeText = notification.message n.identifier = platform_nid n.deliveryDate = NSDate.dateWithTimeInterval(0, # store the notification instance for clearing notification._native = n # type: ignore if notification.sound: n.soundName = NSUserNotificationDefaultSoundName if notification.buttons: if len(notification.buttons) > 1: logger.debug( "NSUserNotificationCenter: only a single button is supported" ) n.hasActionButton = True n.actionButtonTitle = notification.buttons[0].title return platform_nid
[docs] async def _clear(self, notification: Notification) -> None: """ Removes a notifications from the notification center :param notification: Notification to clear. """ if hasattr(notification, "_native"):
[docs] async def _clear_all(self) -> None: """ Clears all notifications from notification center """