Source code for desktop_notifier.macos

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
UNUserNotificationCenter backend for macOS.

* Introduced in macOS 10.14.
* Cross-platform with iOS and iPadOS.
* Only available from signed app bundles if called from the main executable or from a
  signed Python framework (for example from
* Requires a running CFRunLoop to invoke callbacks.

# system imports
import uuid
import logging
import enum
import asyncio
from concurrent.futures import Future
from urllib.parse import urlparse, unquote
from typing import cast, Optional

# external imports
from packaging.version import Version
from rubicon.objc import NSObject, ObjCClass, objc_method, py_from_ns
from rubicon.objc.runtime import load_library, objc_id, objc_block

# local imports
from .base import Notification, DesktopNotifierBase, AuthorisationError, Urgency
from .macos_support import macos_version

__all__ = ["CocoaNotificationCenter"]

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

foundation = load_library("Foundation")
uns = load_library("UserNotifications")

UNUserNotificationCenter = ObjCClass("UNUserNotificationCenter")
UNMutableNotificationContent = ObjCClass("UNMutableNotificationContent")
UNNotificationRequest = ObjCClass("UNNotificationRequest")
UNNotificationAction = ObjCClass("UNNotificationAction")
UNTextInputNotificationAction = ObjCClass("UNTextInputNotificationAction")
UNNotificationCategory = ObjCClass("UNNotificationCategory")
UNNotificationSound = ObjCClass("UNNotificationSound")
UNNotificationAttachment = ObjCClass("UNNotificationAttachment")
UNNotificationSettings = ObjCClass("UNNotificationSettings")

NSURL = ObjCClass("NSURL")
NSSet = ObjCClass("NSSet")
NSError = ObjCClass("NSError")

# UserNotifications.h

UNNotificationDefaultActionIdentifier = (
UNNotificationDismissActionIdentifier = (
ReplyActionIdentifier = "com.desktop-notifier.ReplyActionIdentifier"

UNAuthorizationOptionBadge = 1 << 0
UNAuthorizationOptionSound = 1 << 1
UNAuthorizationOptionAlert = 1 << 2

UNNotificationActionOptionAuthenticationRequired = 1 << 0
UNNotificationActionOptionDestructive = 1 << 1
UNNotificationActionOptionForeground = 1 << 2
UNNotificationActionOptionNone = 0

UNNotificationCategoryOptionNone = 0

UNAuthorizationStatusAuthorized = 2
UNAuthorizationStatusProvisional = 3
UNAuthorizationStatusEphemeral = 4

UNErrorDomain = "UNErrorDomain"

class UNErrorCode(enum.Enum):
    NotificationsNotAllowed = 1
    AttachmentInvalidURL = 100
    AttachmentUnrecognizedType = 101
    AttachmentInvalidFileSize = 102
    AttachmentNotInDataStore = 103
    AttachmentMoveIntoDataStoreFailed = 104
    AttachmentCorrupt = 105
    NotificationInvalidNoDate = 1400
    NotificationInvalidNoContent = 1401

class UNNotificationInterruptionLevel(enum.Enum):
    Passive = 0
    Active = 1
    TimeSensitive = 2
    Critical = 3

class NotificationCenterDelegate(NSObject):  # type: ignore
    """Delegate to handle user interactions with notifications"""

    @objc_method  # type:ignore
    def userNotificationCenter_didReceiveNotificationResponse_withCompletionHandler_(
        self, center, response, completion_handler: objc_block
    ) -> None:
        # Get the notification which was clicked from the platform ID.
        platform_nid = py_from_ns(response.notification.request.identifier)
        py_notification = self.interface._notification_for_nid[platform_nid]
        py_notification = cast(Notification, py_notification)


        # Invoke the callback which corresponds to the user interaction.
        if response.actionIdentifier == UNNotificationDefaultActionIdentifier:
            if py_notification.on_clicked:

        elif response.actionIdentifier == UNNotificationDismissActionIdentifier:
            if py_notification.on_dismissed:

        elif response.actionIdentifier == ReplyActionIdentifier:
            if py_notification.reply_field.on_replied:
                reply_text = py_from_ns(response.userText)

            button_number = int(py_from_ns(response.actionIdentifier))
            callback = py_notification.buttons[button_number].on_pressed

            if callback:


[docs] class CocoaNotificationCenter(DesktopNotifierBase): """UNUserNotificationCenter backend for macOS Can be used with macOS Catalina and newer. Both app name and bundle identifier will be ignored. The notification center automatically uses the values provided by the app bundle. :param app_name: The name of the app. Does not have any effect because the app name is automatically determined from the bundle or framework. :param notification_limit: Maximum number of notifications to keep in the system's notification center. """
[docs] _to_native_urgency = { Urgency.Low: UNNotificationInterruptionLevel.Passive, Urgency.Normal: UNNotificationInterruptionLevel.Active, Urgency.Critical: UNNotificationInterruptionLevel.TimeSensitive, }
def __init__( self, app_name: str = "Python", notification_limit: Optional[int] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__(app_name, notification_limit) = UNUserNotificationCenter.currentNotificationCenter() self.nc_delegate = NotificationCenterDelegate.alloc().init() self.nc_delegate.interface = self = self.nc_delegate self._clear_notification_categories()
[docs] async def request_authorisation(self) -> bool: """ Request authorisation to send user notifications. If this is called for the first time for an app, the call will only return once the user has granted or denied the request. Otherwise, the call will just return the current authorisation status without prompting the user. :returns: Whether authorisation has been granted. """ future: Future[tuple[bool, str]] = Future() def on_auth_completed(granted: bool, error: objc_id) -> None: ns_error = py_from_ns(error) error_str = str(ns_error.localizedDescription) if ns_error else "" future.set_result((granted, error_str)) UNAuthorizationOptionAlert | UNAuthorizationOptionSound | UNAuthorizationOptionBadge, completionHandler=on_auth_completed, ) granted, error_str = await asyncio.wrap_future(future) if error_str: logger.warning("Authorisation denied: %s", error_str) return granted
[docs] async def has_authorisation(self) -> bool: """Whether we have authorisation to send notifications.""" # Get existing notification categories. future: Future[UNNotificationSettings] = Future() # type:ignore def handler(settings: objc_id) -> None: settings = py_from_ns(settings) settings.retain() future.set_result(settings) settings = await asyncio.wrap_future(future) authorized = settings.authorizationStatus in ( # type:ignore UNAuthorizationStatusAuthorized, UNAuthorizationStatusProvisional, UNAuthorizationStatusEphemeral, ) settings.release() # type:ignore return authorized
[docs] async def _send( self, notification: Notification, notification_to_replace: Optional[Notification], ) -> str: """ Uses UNUserNotificationCenter to schedule a notification. :param notification: Notification to send. :param notification_to_replace: Notification to replace, if any. """ if notification_to_replace: platform_nid = str(notification_to_replace.identifier) else: platform_nid = str(uuid.uuid4()) # On macOS, we need to register a new notification category for every # unique set of buttons. category_id = await self._create_category_for_notification(notification) # Create the native notification and notification request. content = UNMutableNotificationContent.alloc().init() content.title = notification.title content.body = notification.message content.categoryIdentifier = category_id content.threadIdentifier = notification.thread if macos_version >= Version("12.0"): content.interruptionLevel = self._to_native_urgency[notification.urgency] if notification.sound: content.sound = UNNotificationSound.defaultSound if notification.attachment: path = unquote(urlparse(notification.attachment).path) url = NSURL.fileURLWithPath(path, isDirectory=False) attachment = UNNotificationAttachment.attachmentWithIdentifier( "", URL=url, options={}, error=None ) content.attachments = [attachment] notification_request = UNNotificationRequest.requestWithIdentifier( platform_nid, content=content, trigger=None ) future: Future[NSError] = Future() # type:ignore def handler(error: objc_id) -> None: ns_error = py_from_ns(error) if ns_error: ns_error.retain() future.set_result(ns_error) # Post the notification. notification_request, withCompletionHandler=handler ) # Error handling. error = await asyncio.wrap_future(future) if error: error.autorelease() # type:ignore if error.domain == UNErrorDomain: # type:ignore if error.code == UNErrorCode.NotificationsNotAllowed: # type:ignore raise AuthorisationError("Not authorised") elif error.code == UNErrorCode.NotificationInvalidNoDate: # type:ignore raise RuntimeError("Missing notification date") elif ( error.code # type:ignore == UNErrorCode.NotificationInvalidNoContent ): raise RuntimeError("Missing notification content") else: # In case of attachment errors, the notification will still be # delivered, just without an attachment. We therefore do not raise # the error. logger.warning( f"{error.localizedDescription}: {notification.attachment}" # type:ignore ) else: raise RuntimeError(error.localizedDescription) # type:ignore return platform_nid
[docs] async def _create_category_for_notification( self, notification: Notification ) -> Optional[str]: """ Registers a new notification category with UNNotificationCenter for the given notification or retrieves an existing one if it exists for our set of buttons. :param notification: Notification instance. :returns: The identifier of the existing or created notification category. """ if not (notification.buttons or notification.reply_field): return None button_titles = tuple(notification.buttons) ui_repr = f"buttons={button_titles}, reply_field={notification.reply_field}" category_id = f"desktop-notifier: {ui_repr}" # Retrieve existing categories. We do not cache this value because it may be # modified by other Python processes using desktop-notifier. categories = await self._get_notification_categories() category_ids = set(py_from_ns(c.identifier) for c in categories.allObjects()) # type: ignore # Register new category if necessary. if category_id not in category_ids: # Create action for each button. actions = [] if notification.reply_field: action = UNTextInputNotificationAction.actionWithIdentifier( ReplyActionIdentifier, title=notification.reply_field.title, options=UNNotificationActionOptionNone, textInputButtonTitle=notification.reply_field.button_title, textInputPlaceholder="", ) actions.append(action) for n, button in enumerate(notification.buttons): action = UNNotificationAction.actionWithIdentifier( str(n), title=button.title, options=UNNotificationActionOptionNone ) actions.append(action) # Add category for new set of buttons. new_categories = categories.setByAddingObject( # type: ignore UNNotificationCategory.categoryWithIdentifier( category_id, actions=actions, intentIdentifiers=[], options=UNNotificationCategoryOptionNone, ) ) return category_id
[docs] async def _get_notification_categories(self) -> NSSet: # type:ignore """Returns the registered notification categories for this app / Python.""" future: Future[NSSet] = Future() # type:ignore def handler(categories: objc_id) -> None: categories = py_from_ns(categories) categories.retain() future.set_result(categories) categories = await asyncio.wrap_future(future) categories.autorelease() # type:ignore return categories
[docs] def _clear_notification_categories(self) -> None: """Clears all registered notification categories for this application.""" empty_set = NSSet.alloc().init()
[docs] async def _clear(self, notification: Notification) -> None: """ Removes a notifications from the notification center :param notification: Notification to clear. """[notification.identifier])
[docs] async def _clear_all(self) -> None: """ Clears all notifications from notification center. This method does not affect any notification requests that are scheduled, but have not yet been delivered. """