Source code for desktop_notifier.main

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module handles desktop notifications and supports multiple backends, depending on
the platform.

from __future__ import annotations

# system imports
import platform
from threading import RLock
import logging
import asyncio
from pathlib import Path
from typing import (

# external imports
from packaging.version import Version

# local imports
from .base import (

__all__ = [

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

T = TypeVar("T")

default_event_loop_policy = asyncio.DefaultEventLoopPolicy()

def get_implementation() -> Type[DesktopNotifierBase]:
    Return the backend class depending on the platform and version.

    :returns: A desktop notification backend suitable for the current platform.
    :raises RuntimeError: when passing ``macos_legacy = True`` on macOS 12.0 and later.
    if platform.system() == "Darwin":
        from .macos_support import is_bundle, is_signed_bundle, macos_version

        has_unusernotificationcenter = macos_version >= Version("10.14")
        has_nsusernotificationcenter = macos_version < Version("12.0")
        is_signed = is_signed_bundle()

        if has_unusernotificationcenter and is_signed:
            # Use modern UNUserNotificationCenter.
            from .macos import CocoaNotificationCenter

            return CocoaNotificationCenter

        elif has_nsusernotificationcenter and is_bundle():
            if has_unusernotificationcenter and not is_signed:
                    "Running outside of a signed Framework or bundle: "
                    "falling back to NSUserNotificationCenter"
                    "Running on macOS 10.13 or earlier: "
                    "falling back to NSUserNotificationCenter"

            # Use deprecated NSUserNotificationCenter.
            from .macos_legacy import CocoaNotificationCenterLegacy

            return CocoaNotificationCenterLegacy

            # Use dummy backend.
                "Notification Center can only be used "
                "from a signed Framework or app bundle"

            from .dummy import DummyNotificationCenter

            return DummyNotificationCenter

    elif platform.system() == "Linux":
        from .dbus import DBusDesktopNotifier

        return DBusDesktopNotifier

    elif platform.system() == "Windows" and Version(platform.version()) >= Version(
        from .winrt import WinRTDesktopNotifier

        return WinRTDesktopNotifier

        from .dummy import DummyNotificationCenter

        return DummyNotificationCenter

[docs]class DesktopNotifier: """Cross-platform desktop notification emitter Uses different backends depending on the platform version and available services. All implementations will dispatch notifications without an event loop but will require a running event loop to execute callbacks when the end user interacts with a notification. On Linux, a asyncio event loop is required. On macOS, a CFRunLoop *in the main thread* is required. Packages such as :mod:`rubicon.objc` can be used to integrate asyncio with a CFRunLoop. :param app_name: Name to identify the application in the notification center. On Linux, this should correspond to the application name in a desktop entry. On macOS, this argument is ignored and the app is identified by the bundle ID of the sending program (e.g., Python). :param app_icon: Default icon to use for notifications. This should be either a URI string, a :class:`pathlib.Path` path, or a name in a icon theme. If None, the icon of the calling application will be used if it can be determined. On macOS, this argument is ignored and the app icon is identified by the bundle ID of the sending program (e.g., Python). :param notification_limit: Maximum number of notifications to keep in the system's notification center. This may be ignored by some implementations. """
[docs] app_icon: str | None
def __init__( self, app_name: str = "Python", app_icon: Path | str | None = PYTHON_ICON_PATH, notification_limit: int | None = None, ) -> None: impl_cls = get_implementation() if isinstance(app_icon, Path): self.app_icon = app_icon.as_uri() else: self.app_icon = app_icon self._lock = RLock() self._impl = impl_cls(app_name, notification_limit) self._did_request_authorisation = False # Use our own event loop for the sync API so that we don't interfere with any # other ansycio event loops / threads, etc. self._loop = default_event_loop_policy.new_event_loop()
[docs] def _run_coro_sync(self, coro: Coroutine[None, None, T]) -> T: """ Runs the given coroutine and returns the result synchronously. This is used as a wrapper to conveniently convert the async API calls to synchronous ones. """ if self._loop.is_running(): future = asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(coro, self._loop) res = future.result() else: res = self._loop.run_until_complete(coro) return res
[docs] def app_name(self) -> str: """The application name""" return self._impl.app_name
@app_name.setter def app_name(self, value: str) -> None: """Setter: app_name""" self._impl.app_name = value
[docs] async def request_authorisation(self) -> bool: """ Requests authorisation to send user notifications. This will be automatically called for you when sending a notification for the first time. It also can be called manually to request authorisation in advance. On some platforms such as macOS and iOS, a prompt will be shown to the user when this method is called for the first time. This method does nothing on platforms where user authorisation is not required. :returns: Whether authorisation has been granted. """ with self._lock: self._did_request_authorisation = True return await self._impl.request_authorisation()
[docs] async def has_authorisation(self) -> bool: """Returns whether we have authorisation to send notifications.""" return await self._impl.has_authorisation()
[docs] async def send_notification(self, notification: Notification) -> Notification: """ Sends a desktop notification. This method takes a fully constructed :class:`Notification` instance as input. Use :meth:`send` to provide separate notification properties such as ``title``, ``message``, etc., instead. :param notification: The notification to send. """ with self._lock: # Ask for authorisation if not already done. On some platforms, this will # trigger a system dialog to ask the user for permission. if not self._did_request_authorisation: await self.request_authorisation() # We attempt to send the notification regardless of authorization. # The user may have changed settings in the meantime. await self._impl.send(notification) return notification
[docs] async def send( self, title: str, message: str, urgency: Urgency = Urgency.Normal, icon: Path | str | None = None, buttons: Sequence[Button] = (), reply_field: ReplyField | None = None, on_clicked: Callable[[], Any] | None = None, on_dismissed: Callable[[], Any] | None = None, attachment: Path | str | None = None, sound: bool = False, thread: str | None = None, timeout: int = -1, ) -> Notification: """ Sends a desktop notification. Some arguments may be ignored, depending on the backend. This method will always return a :class:`base.Notification` instance and will not raise an exception when scheduling the notification fails. If the notification was scheduled successfully, its ``identifier`` will be set to the platform's native notification identifier. Otherwise, the ``identifier`` will be ``None``. Note that even a successfully scheduled notification may not be displayed to the user, depending on their notification center settings (for instance if "do not disturb" is enabled on macOS). :param title: Notification title. :param message: Notification message. :param urgency: Notification level: low, normal or critical. This may be interpreted differently by some implementations, for instance causing the notification to remain visible for longer, or may be ignored. :param icon: Optional URI string, :class:`pathlib.Path` or icon name to use. If given, this will replace the icon specified by :attr:`app_icon`. Will be ignored on macOS. :param buttons: A list of buttons with callbacks for the notification. :param reply_field: Optional reply field to show with the notification. Can be used for instance in chat apps. :param on_clicked: Optional callback to call when the notification is clicked. The callback will be called without any arguments. This is ignored by some implementations. :param on_dismissed: Optional callback to call when the notification is dismissed. The callback will be called without any arguments. This is ignored by some implementations. :param attachment: Optional URI string or :class:`pathlib.Path` for an attachment to the notification such as an image, movie, or audio file. A preview of this may be displayed together with the notification. Different platforms and Linux notification servers support different types of attachments. Please consult the platform support section of the documentation. :param sound: Whether to play a sound when the notification is shown. The platform's default sound will be used, where available. :param thread: An identifier to group related notifications together. This is ignored on Linux. :param timeout: The duration (in seconds) for which the notification is shown unless dismissed. Only supported on Linux. Default is ``-1`` which implies OS-specified. :returns: The scheduled notification instance. """ if icon is None: icon = self.app_icon elif isinstance(icon, Path): icon = icon.as_uri() if isinstance(attachment, Path): attachment = attachment.as_uri() notification = Notification( title, message, urgency, icon, buttons, reply_field, on_clicked, on_dismissed, attachment, sound, thread, timeout, ) return await self.send_notification(notification)
[docs] def send_sync( self, title: str, message: str, urgency: Urgency = Urgency.Normal, icon: Path | str | None = None, buttons: Sequence[Button] = (), reply_field: ReplyField | None = None, on_clicked: Callable[[], Any] | None = None, on_dismissed: Callable[[], Any] | None = None, attachment: Path | str | None = None, sound: bool = False, thread: str | None = None, timeout: int = -1, ) -> Notification: """ Synchronous call of :meth:`send`, for use without an asyncio event loop. :returns: The scheduled notification instance. """ coro = self.send( title, message, urgency, icon, buttons, reply_field, on_clicked, on_dismissed, attachment, sound, thread, timeout, ) return self._run_coro_sync(coro)
[docs] def current_notifications(self) -> List[Notification]: """A list of all currently displayed notifications for this app""" return self._impl.current_notifications
[docs] async def clear(self, notification: Notification) -> None: """ Removes the given notification from the notification center. :param notification: Notification to clear. """ with self._lock: await self._impl.clear(notification)
[docs] async def clear_all(self) -> None: """ Removes all currently displayed notifications for this app from the notification center. """ with self._lock: await self._impl.clear_all()